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Bio­­methane. Production | Trading | Services

Looking to use green gas? Then you’re in good hands with us. As Europe’s leading independent biomethane trader, you can always depend on Landwärme.

We are active across Europe as a biomethane supplier, service provider and consultant. Our trading portfolio features a range of biomethane qualities. We produce some of our biomethane ourselves in our own biomethane plants, while the rest comes from our many biomethane suppliers throughout Europe.


Anew Climate, a leading biomethane and carbon removals company, announced today a strategic agreement whereby Anew will service Landwärme’s remaining EEG and ecogas contracts. The agreement was recently approved by the Federal Cartel Office and Landwärme creditors, and it is scheduled to close in the coming days. MORE >

Updates in the reorganization of Landwärme: Despite the termination of balancing groups by THE for the subsidiary Landwärme Service  GmbH (LWS), Landwärme’s biomethane business continues to operate steadily. The biomethane trader now plans to integrate the subsidiary. Additionally, Landwärme is pleased with the strong interest from investors. MORE >

Landwärme Service GmbH (“LWS”) has filed an application with the competent district court in Berlin for the opening of provisional self-administration proceedings. The court granted the request. The procedure gives Landwärme Service the opportunity to examine all options for continuing business operations on its own. This includes the integration into Landwärme GmbH. The salaries of the seven employees are secured for the time being. MORE >

Meet us.


Webinar: Biomethane Now More Than Ever


Biogaspartner Conference & Dena Congress


21. Süddeutsche Biogasfachtagung


Biogas Convention & Trade Fair 2019


Global Biomass Energy Innovation Development Summit 2019


International Biogas Congress & Expo



13th Conference on Gaseous-Fuel Powered Vehicles


2nd Expert Discussion: Local Courtyard Biogas Filling Station


European Utility Week 2019


2nd Hydrogen Day South Germany


The World Biogas Summit 2021



Biomethane? Landwärme!

We are your biomethane supplier

Once it has been fed into the natural gas grid, biomethane can be used in all kinds of areas. It gives energy providers a convenient renewable energy resource they can offer their customers – whether as a biogas product in urban heating applications or for use in industrial CHP systems, for example. Biomethane is also an attractive fuel option. Take advantage of the various support schemes and become part of the energy transition.

Whatever your plans, we have you covered with the right type of biomethane in the required quantity and quality.

Biomethan für Energieversorger & Stadtwerke

Looking for a sustainable gas product for your customers?

Biomethan für Blockheizkraftwerke

Looking to introduce biomethane in your CHP plant?

Biomethan für Erdgastankstellen

Looking to offer biomethane as an environmentally friendly fuel?

We will take care of everything.

Additional services from a single source

Many interdisciplinary steps have to be taken before green gas can make its way through the pipeline. Landwärme’s team of experts is happy to assist you with your biomethane project. We ensure a smooth supply of biomethane, take care of balancing group management, and arrange the necessary agreements. We also provide all the quality and sustainability certificates required to partake in support schemes.


Competent and experienced:

We are on hand to answer all of your questions relating to biogas upgrading and the possible applications of biomethane. MORE >

Balancing group management

Precise and efficient: Landwärme Service GmbH ensures your gas supply is handled smoothly and effortlessly. MORE >


Detailed and well-versed: You can count on our expertise in all established certification and documentation systems throughout Europe. MORE >

Legal matters

A maze of regulations in the energy sector? Our lawyers battle their way through the jargon and take care of contract design.

These customers already place their trust in Landwärme. Take a look at our reference projects.